Friday, June 4, 2010

Wings of Prey now available for PC - Title information & suggested peripherals

"Gaijin Entertainment has offered up Wings of Prey, a PC version of the recent console title IL-2 Birds of Prey... Wings of Prey is surprisingly attractive both to arcade action junkies and to the hardcore TrackIR crowd."
Steve Butts -

You can check out the full details for this stunning new World War II PC air combat simulator here. Mittoni offers a wide range of PC simulation related peripherals and flight sim gear is one of our most popular categories - check out Mittoni's extensive range of flight controls from CH Products and Logitech, also be sure to get your head in the game with NaturalPoint's TrackIR series. You'll find the bass boosting eDimensional AudioFX & Rude Gameware Primal headsets are the perfect choice for getting the most engine rumble for your gaming experiences. Engine sounds are one of the reasons we play racing and flight sims, so ensure you're getting the most noise for your dollars! Here is a great video showing off the superb details and ambiance provided in Wings of Prey, enhanced with TrackIR5 and CH Products. Get into it!