Thursday, June 16, 2016

Guru3D Want To Clue You Up On ASUS MATRIX-GTX980TI-P-6GD5-GAMING

"We can't be any clearer about it, all ranges from 1080P to Ultra HD are very playable for the GeForce GTX 980 Ti. Up-to WQHD (2560x1440) this card seems to be at a true sweet-spot, however it is really capable of rendering games in that whopper of a resolution Ultra HD as well. You'll be in the 40 FPS on average domain with decent settings and the latest titles mostly, and that's ok. This much game rendering horse-power versus the nice 6GB graphics memory helps you in Ultra HD, hefty complex anti-aliasing modes, DSR and of course the latest gaming titles."

Hilbert Hagedoorn - Guru3D.

ASUS MATRIX-GTX980TI-P-6GD5-GAMING review by Guru3D - Introduction & Conclusion.