Tuesday, April 26, 2016

TweakTown Review BitFenix Pandora ATX Chassis

"We like the simple layout without a mass of drive bays to take up the front of the chassis and destroy air flow like so many other designs do. We still like the shape, and elegance this chassis delivers. The ICON display offers a ton of potential to customize it to near anything you can think of, and the window on the left offers a superb view of everything you install, except for a few storage drives and the PSU. We also like the PSU cover, as most do, but adding room for water cooling at the front, allowing wiring to pass through it, and throwing in a pump bracket just sweetens the pot a bit. Also, with only two fans blowing through this chassis, the most we could hear from it was 26dB of noise with both fans running at full speed."

Chad Sebring - TweakTown.

Bitfenix Pandora ATX chassis review by TweakTown - Introduction & Conclusion.