Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Guru3D Writes DeelCool Genome AIO LCS Chassis Great Value For Money

"The DeelCool GamerStorm Genome is a chassis that will please many and offers terrific value for money. For a sum of 249 USD / EURO you'll receive a chassis with built in 360 radiator based AIO liquid cooler. That AIO cooler kit alone is 140 EURO here in the Netherlands, so for the other 110 EURO you receive the chassis and a product that has been worked on as the AIO is fitted and built for you already into the chassis. Installation of the water-block is very easy, I have to give DeepCool kudos for that."

Hilbert Hagedoorn - Guru3D.

Deepcool Genome chassis review by Guru3D - Introduction & Conclusion.