Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Get Microsoft's New 'Flight' Game - FREE - Released Today!

"The sky's the limit! Now anyone can enjoy the fun, freedom and adventure of flight. Feel the power at your fingertips as you take to the skies and launch into thrilling missions and exciting challenges over the free-to-play Big Island of Hawaii. Take off today and fly into the ever-expanding world of Microsoft Flight."

Check out all the details on Microsoft's landmark game title 'Flight' on the official website or just click this link to start your download!

To get the best from a game like Flight, you'll want to stop by the pilot's lounge and check out Mittoni's impressive CH Products & Logitech flight simulation controllers - they're must have items for anyone looking at aircraft game titles. Don't forget your TrackIR either, nothing comes close to the immersion and enjoyment a NaturalPoint head tracking solution brings to your gaming realism. Want to get the full engine sounds, vibration and low level rumble from your aircraft? You'll find the Boomchair range is exactly what you're looking for!

I'll see YOU on the flight line tonight!